Electric Scooter Batteries:Everything You Need to Know

An electric scooter’s battery is a critical component and often its most expensive part. Today’s e-scooters demand a high-performing battery that can take you anywhere you want to go. Electric bike batteries vary in capacity, size, and output. The type of battery on your electric bike affects its reliability and performance. It powers the engine, lights, controller, and display, as well as determines speed and range.

This article will guide you through the different types of batteries available, their specifications, and how to maintain their efficiency.

Types of Batteries Used on Electric Scooters

There are three most common types of electric scooter batteries.

  1. Lithium-ion Batteries (Li-ion)
  2. Lead-Acid Batteries
  3. Nickel Metal Hydride Batteries (NiMH)

1.Lithium-ion Batteries (Li-ion)

Lithium-ion batteries have overwhelmed the electric scooter market – they’re presently the most generally involved kind of battery in current bike fabricating.The most well-known and ideal kind of battery for new use. A lithium battery has the best mix of all-out weight and limit.

The particular limit of lithium-ion batteries is the most noteworthy of every current sort and this is their fundamental benefit. Lithium-ion batteries don’t have the ‘memory’ impact.

The burdens of this kind incorporate aversion to temperature conditions and powerlessness to rapidly charge. The lithium-ion battery is additionally delicate to overheating and requires control of the release mode.

Maturing and loss of limit happen after some time. The quantity of cycles is around 400, which is over twice more than the lead-acid battery.

2. Nickel Metal Hydride Battery (NiMH)

Prevalently known as NiMH, nickel-metal hydride batteries are somewhere close to Lithium-ion batteries and fixed lead-acid batteries. They are the most widely recognized batteries tracked down in battery-powered hardware.

Like lithium-ion batteries, NiMH batteries have a high energy thickness and can hence store a lot of energy for every unit weight. They likewise have less material which makes them more secure than lithium-ion batteries.

Sadly, these batteries require more time to charge, and quick charging can undoubtedly harm them. Also, they are just ideal at explicit temperatures as their voltage yield falls when presented with hot or cold circumstances. Charging these batteries takes more time (10-12 hours).

3. Nickel Metal Hydride Battery (NiMH)

A nickel metal hydride (NiMH) battery is a type of rechargeable battery that is commonly used in electric scooters. It is a popular choice due to its high energy density, long lifespan, and low self-discharge rate compared to traditional nickel-cadmium (NiCad) batteries.

NiMH batteries are also environmentally friendly since they do not contain toxic cadmium. However, they tend to be more expensive than Li-ion batteries.

Electric Scooter Battery Specifications

There are following three specifications of e-scooter batteries.

  1. Voltage – Measured in Volts (V)
  2. Charge Capacity – Measured in Ampere-hours (Ah)
  3. Energy storage capacity – Measured in Watt-hours ( Wh)

1. Voltage

Voltage is estimated in volts (V) which are utilized to portray how quickly electrons move. More voltage = more speed!

You can without much of a stretch compute a battery’s voltage if you have its charge limit and capacity limit. You should isolate the capacity limit estimated in Watt-hours (Wh) with the charge limit estimated in Amp-hours (Ah)

1V = 1 Wh/1 Ah

Most bikes accompany voltages going from 20V, 24V, 36V, 48V, and 52V. Be that as it may, they can go as high as 100V or even 120V.

2. Charge

Most scooters have batteries with a battery charge limit going from 2 Ah to 50 Ah. The higher the battery charges in an electric scooter, the higher the performance.

You can work out the battery’s charge by dividing Watt-hour (Wh) by the voltage estimated in Volts (V).

1 Ah = 1WH/1V

3. Capacity

Capacity is how much energy that can be stored in the battery. It is the primary quality of any battery. The unit of estimation is the ampere-hour (Ah). This worth is a proportion of the decent number of amps a battery can support for 60 minutes (C rate).

A battery with a 1 Wh rating has put away sufficient energy to convey one watt of force for 60 minutes. The more the battery limit, the more extended the scooter range.

Normal adult scooters have limits of 150 Wh to 624 Wh. Nonetheless, the electric bike battery limits can go from 100 Watt-hours to right around 3,000 Watt-hours.

You can determine the battery limit by multiplying the charge and the voltage.

1 Wh = 1 Ah x 1V

Life of Electric Scooter Batteries

Since Lithium-ion batteries are the most commonly used type of battery in electric scooters, we will focus on this. A Lithium-ion battery is intended to deal with somewhere in the range of 300 and 500 cycles before it begins decreasing its capacity. This is around 3000 to 10,000 miles for a typical e-bike. This implies that they’ll keep going for one to three years.

In any case, this doesn’t imply that the battery will lose all its strength unexpectedly when it hits these figures. It just beginnings deteriorating in execution and deteriorates as time passes by.


The battery is a crucial component of any electric scooter and contributes significantly to its overall performance and reliability. The type of battery an electric scooter has determines its capabilities, range, and efficiency.

With various battery options available, it’s important to understand their specifications and how to maintain their productivity. This article guides the different types of batteries and how to keep them functioning at optimal levels.

About the Author

Seba K
+ posts

Hi, I m Seba and I am the author of this blog.
Electric scooters have been my passion since I bought my first one back in 2016.
Since then, I have experimented with numerous models and gained a wealth of knowledge about electric scooters.
I always keep myself updated with the latest product releases and advancements in this field.
I am delighted to share my experiences and insights with you here.
My background includes a degree in Avia Engineering, and I have a keen interest in outdoor sports and traveling.