How to Make Electric Scooter Faster? 5 Easy Tricks

If you want to make your electric scooter faster, there are several steps you can take to improve its performance.Making your electric scooter faster can improve its performance and make it more fun to ride, but it can also increase the risk of accidents and damage. It’s important to carefully consider the potential risks and benefits before making any modifications to your Electric scooter.

We will also discuss the potential risks and drawbacks of making your electric scooter faster, and help you decide if it is the right choice for you.

In this blog post, we will discuss some of the ways you can make your electric scooter faster, including upgrading the battery, motor, and other components, and using the right tires and gear ratios.

Factors That Affect the Speed of Electric Scooters

Several factors can affect the speed of an electric scooter. Some of the most important factors include:

Factors That Affect the Speed of Electric Scooter

1.     The Power of The Motor

 The motor is the main source of power for an electric scooter and is responsible for driving the wheels and propelling the scooter forward.

Electric scooters with larger and more powerful motors are typically able to reach higher speeds than scooters with smaller motors.

2.     The Capacity of The Battery

The battery is the source of power for the motor and determines how long the scooter can run before needing to be recharged.

Electric scooters with larger and more powerful batteries are typically able to run for longer periods and reach higher speeds than scooters with smaller batteries.

3.     The Weight of The Scooter

The weight of the scooter, including the rider and any cargo, affects its performance and speed. Heavier scooters require more power to move, and may not be able to reach the same speeds as lighter scooters.

Quality of The Tires of electric scooter

4.     The Quality of The Tires

The tires play a crucial role in the performance and speed of an electric scooter. High-quality, low-resistance tires can roll more easily and efficiently and can help the scooter reach higher speeds.

5 Ways to Make Your Electric Scooter Faster

There are several ways to make your electric scooter faster, including the following:

1.     Upgrade The Battery And Motor

One of the easiest ways to make your electric scooter faster is to upgrade the battery and motor. By replacing the stock battery and motor with larger and more powerful components, you can increase the speed and performance of your scooter.

However, this can be a costly and complex process, and should only be done by experienced users or professionals.

2.     Reduce The Weight Of The Scooter

Another way to make your electric scooter faster is to reduce the weight of the scooter. By removing unnecessary items, such as cargo racks or accessories, you can reduce the overall weight of the scooter and make it more agile and efficient.

Reduce The Weight Of The Scooter

This can also help to improve the range and battery life of the scooter.

3.     Install A Speed Controller

A speed controller is a device that allows you to adjust the speed and performance of your electric scooter. By installing a speed controller, you can fine-tune the power output of the motor and adjust the speed of the scooter to your liking.

This can be a useful tool for riders who want to customize the performance of their scooter.

4.     Use High-Performance Tires

 The tires of your electric scooter play a crucial role in their performance and speed. By using high-performance, low-resistance tires, you can reduce the rolling resistance of the scooter and improve its speed and efficiency.

This can be an affordable and effective way to make your electric scooter faster.

5.     Adjust The Gearing Of The Scooter

 The gearing of your electric scooter determines how much torque is applied to the wheels and can affect its speed and acceleration. By adjusting the gearing of your scooter, you can increase the speed and performance of the scooter.

This can be a complex process, and should only be done by experienced users or professionals.

Drawbacks of Making Electric Scooters Faster

One potential risk of making an electric scooter faster is that it could make the scooter more dangerous to ride. Faster speeds can make it harder to control the scooter and can increase the likelihood of accidents or injuries.

Drawbacks of Making Electric Scooters Faster

Additionally, modifying the speed of an electric scooter may void the manufacturer’s warranty and can cause legal issues if the modified scooter is not street-legal. It’s always important to check local laws and regulations before modifying any vehicle.

1.      Increased Risk of Accidents or Injuries

Faster speeds can make it more difficult to control an electric scooter, increasing the likelihood of accidents or injuries.

2.      Voiding of Manufacturer’s Warranty

Modifying the speed of an electric scooter may void the manufacturer’s warranty, leaving the owner responsible for any repairs or maintenance.

3.      Legal Issues

 In some areas, modifying the speed of an electric scooter may make it illegal to ride on public roads or sidewalks. This could lead to fines or other legal issues.

4.      Reduced Battery Life

Making an electric scooter faster may require more power, which could drain the battery more quickly and reduce the range of the scooter.

5.      Higher Operating Costs

Increased speeds may require more power, which could lead to higher electricity costs for charging the scooter’s battery.


Making your electric scooter faster can improve its performance and versatility. By upgrading the battery and motor, reducing the weight of the scooter, installing a speed controller, using high-performance tires, and adjusting the gearing of the scooter, you can increase the speed and acceleration of your electric scooter.

However, it’s important to remember that making your scooter faster can also increase the risk of accidents and injuries, so it’s important to use your scooter safely and responsibly. Always wear protective gear, follow the rules of the road, and avoid reckless or dangerous behavior when riding your electric scooter.


Can Electric Scooter go 50mph?

Yes, electric scooters can go up to 50mph. The RION RE90 is an example of a scooter that can reach speeds up to 75mph. However, most electric scooters are limited to 25-30mph due to safety concerns.

Which Electric Scooter is the Fastest?

The RION RE90 electric scooter is one of the fastest on the market, with a top speed of 75mph. It has a powerful motor and a lightweight frame, making it perfect for those who want to get around quickly. Additionally, its high-performance brakes ensure a safe ride at all times.

About the Author

Seba K
+ posts

Hi, I m Seba and I am the author of this blog.
Electric scooters have been my passion since I bought my first one back in 2016.
Since then, I have experimented with numerous models and gained a wealth of knowledge about electric scooters.
I always keep myself updated with the latest product releases and advancements in this field.
I am delighted to share my experiences and insights with you here.
My background includes a degree in Avia Engineering, and I have a keen interest in outdoor sports and traveling.