How to Remove Speed Limiter on Electric Scooter? 4 Easy Steps

Electric scooters are becoming increasingly popular as a convenient and Eco-friendly mode of transportation. Many people use electric scooters for commuting, running errands, or just for fun.

However, some electric scooters come with a speed limiter that prevents them from reaching their full potential speed. If you want to remove the speed limiter on your electric scooter, there are a few steps you can follow.

Before we get into how to remove the speed limiter on an electric scooter, it’s important to note that tampering with the speed limiter on an electric scooter is generally not recommended.

Can You Remove Speed Limiter On Electric Scooter?

It is possible to remove the speed limiter on an electric scooter, but it is generally not recommended. Removing the speed limiter can potentially void the manufacturer’s warranty, make the scooter unsafe to ride, and may also be illegal.

Benefits of Removing the Speed Limiter

The speed limiter on an electric scooter is typically included as a safety feature to prevent the scooter from reaching speeds that may be dangerous or illegal. Tampering with the speed limiter can potentially compromise the safety of the scooter and the rider.

Benefits of Removing the Speed Limiter

There are a few potential benefits to removing the speed limiter on an electric scooter, including:

1. Increased Speed

Removing the speed limiter can allow the scooter to reach its full potential speed, which may be faster than the speed limit set by the manufacturer or local laws and regulations.

2. Improved Performance

Removing the speed limiter may also allow the scooter to perform better in certain situations, such as when climbing hills or navigating rough terrain.

How to Get Rid Of Speed Limiter on Electric Scooter? Step by Step

Removing the speed limiter can potentially void the manufacturer’s warranty and may also make the scooter unsafe to ride.

How to Get Rid Of Speed Limiter on Electric Scooter?

Additionally, it is illegal to operate an electric scooter at a speed that exceeds the maximum speed limit set by local laws and regulations. With that being said, here are some steps you can follow to remove the speed limiter on an electric scooter:

1. Identify the Speed Limiter

The first step in removing the speed limiter on an electric scooter is to identify where the speed limiter is located.

This can usually be found in the scooter’s control panel or the scooter’s firmware.

2. Access the Control Panel or Firmware

Once you’ve identified the location of the speed limiter, you’ll need to access the control panel or firmware to make changes to the scooter’s settings.

This may require disassembling the scooter or using a diagnostic tool to access the scooter’s computer system.

3. Make the Necessary Changes

Once you have access to the control panel or firmware, you can make changes to the scooter’s settings to remove the speed limiter.

This may involve adjusting the scooter’s maximum speed setting or modifying the scooter’s code to remove the speed limiter.

4. Test the Scooter

After making the necessary changes, it’s important to test the scooter to ensure that it is operating safely and at the desired speed.

Be sure to follow all safety precautions and observe local laws and regulations when testing the scooter.

Risks of Removing the Speed Limiter

There are several risks associated with removing the speed limiter on an electric scooter. Some of these risks include:

Risks of Removing the Speed Limiter

1. Voiding the Manufacturer’s Warranty

Tampering with the speed limiter on an electric scooter may void the manufacturer’s warranty.

This means that if you have any issues with the scooter after removing the speed limiter, the manufacturer may not be responsible for repairing or replacing it.

2. Decreased Safety

 Removing the speed limiter can potentially make the scooter unsafe to ride. The speed limiter is usually included as a safety feature to prevent the scooter from reaching speeds that may be dangerous or illegal.

Tampering with the speed limiter can compromise the safety of the scooter and the rider.

3. Legal Consequences

It may be illegal to operate an electric scooter at a speed that exceeds the maximum speed limit set by local laws and regulations.

Removing the speed limiter can make it easier to exceed the speed limit, which could result in fines or other legal consequences.

4. Accidents or Injuries

Operating an electric scooter at a high speed can increase the risk of accidents or injuries. If you remove the speed limiter, you may be more likely to get into an accident or sustain an injury while riding the scooter.

Again, it is generally not recommended to tamper with the speed limiter on an electric scooter. Removing the speed limiter can potentially void the manufacturer’s warranty, make the scooter unsafe to ride, and may also be illegal.

If you want to increase the speed of your electric scooter, it is usually safer and more legal to do so by upgrading the scooter’s components, such as the motor or battery. This can often be done through the manufacturer or a certified electric scooter mechanic.


How can I increase the speed of my electric Scooter?

To increase the speed of your electric scooter, start by checking its battery. If it’s getting old, consider replacing it with a new one. You can also look into upgrading the motor and controller to ones with higher wattage ratings for more power.
Additionally, make sure your scooter is properly lubricated and clean to ensure it runs smoothly and efficiently. Finally, check the tires for proper inflation – this will help reduce friction and improve speed.

How do I turn off Speed limit mode?

It’s not clear what specific electric scooter you have or what you mean by “speed limit mode.” Many electric scooters have built-in speed limiters that are designed to prevent the scooter from going too fast for safety reasons. These speed limits are typically set by the manufacturer and cannot be easily adjusted or disabled.

Can you hack an electric scooter to go faster?

It is not advisable to attempt to hack an electric scooter to make it go faster. Modifying the scooter’s electronics or other components to try to increase its speed could void the manufacturer’s warranty and may be dangerous.
Electric scooters are designed to be used within certain safety limits, and exceeding those limits could increase the risk of accidents or injuries.

About the Author

Seba K
+ posts

Hi, I m Seba and I am the author of this blog.
Electric scooters have been my passion since I bought my first one back in 2016.
Since then, I have experimented with numerous models and gained a wealth of knowledge about electric scooters.
I always keep myself updated with the latest product releases and advancements in this field.
I am delighted to share my experiences and insights with you here.
My background includes a degree in Avia Engineering, and I have a keen interest in outdoor sports and traveling.