When making research for this website and looking for the best products for you, we consider customer reviews, search volume, trends, and sales analytics (for example, Unicorn Smasher) together with a number of product features. 

For example, for electric scooters, we analyze the following factors:

  • Brand (It should be trustable, and provide warranty and after-sale service)
  • Ease of use
  • Portability (Weight&Foldbability)
  • Power and Speed
  • Range
  • Battery Power and Mileage
  • Charge Time
  • Incline Ability
  • Brakes
  • Safety Features
  • Water Resistance
  • Wheel Size
  • Suspension
  • Tire Type
  • Tire Profile
  • Price

and many others.

So, be sure, here you will find the best option for you, whether it is an electric scooter or any accessory you need.