Does Riding an Electric Scooter Burn Calories?

According to a recent study, riding an electric scooter can help you burn calories. The study found that people who rode electric scooters for 30 minutes burned an average of 150 to 200 calories. That’s the same amount of calories that you would burn by walking at a moderate pace for the same amount of time.

It is hard to say how many calories you burn while riding an electric scooter because it depends on your weight and the type of terrain you are riding over. If you are riding an electric scooter in a flat environment and at a slow pace, then you will burn more calories than if you were riding in a hilly area or at high speeds.

Does Riding an Electric Scooter Burn Calories?

Riding a scooter does indeed burn calories. You can burn up to 150 to 200 calories in just 30 minutes of riding. Scooting is a great way to get your heart rate up and get some fresh air at the same time. And, it’s low-impact so it’s easy on your joints.

So, if you’re looking for a way to have some fun in the sun while getting a little bit of exercise, grab a electric scooter and go for a ride!

How many calories do you burn on an electric scooter?

According to a recent analysis, using an electric scooter at 4.6 mph for 30 minutes will burn roughly the same number of calories as walking 30 minutes a day (150 to 200 calories).

However, how many calories you burn will depend on many factors, such as your weight, intensity of riding, and duration of the ride.

Is riding an electric scooter good exercise?

 Yes! Riding an electric scooter is a great way to increase your core strength. When you ride an electric scooter, you not only have to keep your balance, but you also have to use your core muscles to keep the scooter upright. This means that riding an electric scooter is a great workout for your abs and other core muscles.

Is riding an electric scooter good exercise?

So if you’re looking for a fun way to get some exercise, consider hopping on an electric scooter the next time you need to get around town.

Why Riding an Electric Scooter is the New Way to Lose Weight?

Electric scooters are the new fitness trend. They are a great way to get around town, and they are also an amazing way to stay fit. A lot of people think that riding an electric scooter is just for kids, but this is not true.

Electric scooters have been getting more popular in recent years, especially as more people start to realize the benefits they offer. Riding an electric scooter can be a great way to get around town, and it can also be a great workout.

How to Lose Weight with an Electric Scooter?

Electric scooters are a great way to lose weight. They are low impact and easy on your joints, so you can ride for longer periods of time without pain. They are also great for cardio workouts. Here are a few tips to help you lose weight with an electric scooter:

  1. Ride for at least 30 minutes every day. The longer you ride on electric scooter, the more calories you will burn.
  2. Push yourself to go faster and farther each day. Electric scooters can reach speeds of up to 40 mph, so challenge yourself to go as fast as you can.
  3. Use an app or tracking device to monitor your progress. Seeing how many calories you are burning and how far you are riding will help motivate you to keep going.
  4. Ride with friends or join a group ride.

How Riding an Electric Scooter is Good for Your Mental Health?

Riding an electric scooter is an easy way to get some exercise and reduce stress. It is a good alternative for those who don’t have time to go to the gym or for those who are too lazy.

The benefits of riding an electric scooter include:

  1. Stress relief, as it is a low-impact workout that doesn’t require any skill or coordination
  2. Mental health benefits, as it reduces anxiety and depression.
  3. Cardiovascular benefits, as it increases blood flow and strengthens the heart.
  4. Weight loss benefits, as it burns calories.
How Riding an Electric Scooter is Good for Your Mental Health?

How Riding an Electric Scooter Helps with Physical Health?

Riding a scooter that runs on electricity has a lot of advantages. For example, it is a great way to get exercise and stay in shape.

Electric scooters are a great way to stay active and keep your body healthy. They provide the opportunity for people with disabilities to be more independent and mobile.


Does riding an electric scooter burn calories? The answer is yes, but not as many as you might think. If you’re looking to burn a lot of calories, you’re better off going for a run or hitting the gym. But if you’re looking for a fun way to get around town and burn a few extra calories, an electric scooter is a great option.


1. Do electric scooters count as exercise?

Yes, electric scooters do count as exercise. They provide a great workout for your legs and core, and can even help improve your balance and coordination.

2. Does standing on scooter burn calories?

Yes, standing on a scooter does burn calories. You can burn up to 200 calories per hour by standing on a scooter.

3. What are the health benefits of riding an electric scooter?

There are a few health benefits to riding an electric scooter, such as improved cardiovascular health and increased leg strength. Additionally, electric scooters can help improve your balance and coordination.

4. What are the benefits of an electric scooter?

There are many benefits to electric scooters, including their environmental friendliness, low cost of ownership, and convenience. Electric scooters are much cheaper to operate than gas-powered scooters or cars, and they emit no pollutants.
They are also very convenient for short trips around town, as you can simply park them at your destination and not worry about finding a parking spot.

5. Is electric scootering good exercise?

Yes, electric scootering is a great way to get some exercise. It’s low-impact and can be done for long periods, making it perfect for people who want to get a workout without putting too much strain on their bodies.

About the Author

Seba K
+ posts

Hi, I m Seba and I am the author of this blog.
Electric scooters have been my passion since I bought my first one back in 2016.
Since then, I have experimented with numerous models and gained a wealth of knowledge about electric scooters.
I always keep myself updated with the latest product releases and advancements in this field.
I am delighted to share my experiences and insights with you here.
My background includes a degree in Avia Engineering, and I have a keen interest in outdoor sports and traveling.