Top 15 Electric Scooter Brands for 2023: A Comprehensive Guide

Electric scooters are becoming increasingly popular as a convenient and cost-effective mode of transportation. With the right electric scooter, you can get around town quickly and easily. But with so many different electric scooter brands on the market, it can be difficult to know which one to choose.

That’s why we’ve put together this comprehensive guide to help you identify the top 15 electric scooter brands for 2023.

Top 15 Electric Scooter Brands for 2023

When it comes to choosing the right electric scooter, it can be difficult to know which brand to choose. That’s why we’ve put together this comprehensive guide to help you identify the top 15 electric scooter brands for 2023.

 We’ve considered a range of criteria, including features, design, price, and customer reviews, to come up with our list.

Here are the top 15 electric scooter brands for 2023:

  1. Xiaomi
  2. Segway
  3. Razor
  4. Hiboy
  5. Swagtron
  6. Gotrax
  7. Glion
  8. Apollo
  9. Fluidfreeride
  10. Inokim
  11. Voro Motors
  12. Mercane
  13. Nanrobot
  14. Qiewa
  15. ewheel

Top Electric Scooter Brand Model Comparison

Now that we’ve identified the top 15 electric scooter brands for 2023, let’s take a closer look at each one.

We’ve put together a comparison table that looks at the features of each brand, to help you make a more informed decision.

BrandModelTop Speed (mph)Range (miles)Weight (kg)Motor Power (Watts)Price ($)
XiaomiXiaomi Mi Scooter Pro 215.545km14.2300567
SegwaySegway Ninebot Max18.640.4100350799
RazorRazor E300 electric scooter151019250359
HiboyHiboy Titan2528238001099
SwagtronSwagger 5 Boost111812300289
GotraxApex Electric Scooter15.515.514.5250399
ApolloApolo Air211515.8250699
Fluidfreeridefluid Horizon232319500649
InokimInokim Quick 4 Super23.824.620.86001399
Voro MotorsEMOVE Cruiser336223.510001399
NanrobotNANROBOT D6+2.04045351000W x 21399
QiewaQiewa Q1 Hummer356234.1800999
ewheelTurbowheel Lightning403035.3Dual-1000W799

Top 15 Electric Scooter Brands for 2023

Check out the top 15 electric scooter brands for 2023 to find the perfect fit for your lifestyle. From affordable to luxurious, each brand offers something special.

1. Xiaomi

Xiaomi is a well-known brand in the technology industry, and they’ve also made a name for itself in the electric scooter market. Xiaomi electric scooters are highly popular due to their sleek design, portability, and affordable price point.

They are designed with powerful motors, and large tires for a smooth ride, and can travel up to 18.6 miles on a single charge. Xiaomi electric scooters are lightweight and easy to fold, making them a convenient mode of transportation for both casual riders and commuters.

With its focus on innovation and user-friendly features, Xiaomi has become a top choice for electric scooter enthusiasts.

2. Razor

 Razor is a leading brand in the electric scooter industry, known for its high-quality products and innovative designs. Razor electric scooters are designed with powerful motors, capable of reaching speeds of up to 15 mph. They also feature large wheels and pneumatic tires, providing a smooth and comfortable ride.

 Razor electric scooters are available in a range of models to suit different needs, from casual riding to commuting. They are designed with safety in mind, with features like hand-operated brakes, adjustable handlebars, and LED lights for enhanced visibility.

Razor electric scooters have gained a reputation for their reliability, performance, and fun, making them a top choice for both kids and adults.

3. Segway

Segway is a renowned brand in the personal transportation industry and has established itself in the electric scooter market with its innovative designs and advanced technology. Segway electric scooters are known for their powerful motors, capable of reaching speeds of up to 15 mph, and can travel up to 28 miles on a single charge.

They also feature large pneumatic tires, suspension systems, and other features that provide a smooth and comfortable ride.

With their sleek designs and focus on user experience, Segway electric scooters have become a popular choice for both recreational and commuting purposes.

4. Hiboy

Hiboy is a growing brand in the electric scooter industry, known for its high-quality products and affordable prices. Hiboy electric scooters are designed with powerful motors, capable of reaching speeds of up to 18.6 mph. They also feature large pneumatic tires, providing a smooth and comfortable ride.

Hiboy electric scooters are available in a range of models to suit different needs, from casual riding to commuting. They are designed with safety in mind, with features like disc brakes, headlights, and taillights.

Hiboy electric scooters have gained popularity for their reliability, performance, and user-friendly features, making them a great choice for riders of all ages and skill levels.

5. Swagtron

Swagtron is a popular brand in the electric scooter industry, known for its innovative designs and advanced features.

Swagtron electric scooters are designed with powerful motors, capable of reaching speeds of up to 15 mph, and can travel up to 18.6 miles on a single charge.

 They also feature large pneumatic tires, providing a smooth and comfortable ride. Swagtron electric scooters are available in a range of models to suit different needs, from lightweight and portable to heavy-duty and sturdy.

With their focus on innovation and user-friendly features, Swagtron electric scooters have become a popular choice for both recreational and commuting purposes. They also offer a range of accessories and customization options to enhance the riding experience.

6. GoTrax

GoTrax is a well-known brand in the electric scooter industry, recognized for its affordable and user-friendly products. GoTrax electric scooters are designed with powerful motors, capable of reaching speeds of up to 15.5 mph, and can travel up to 15 miles on a single charge. They are also lightweight, portable, and easy to fold, making them convenient for commuting and storage.

GoTrax electric scooters feature large tires, providing a smooth and comfortable ride. With their focus on affordability and ease of use, GoTrax electric scooters have become a popular choice for entry-level riders and those looking for a budget-friendly option without compromising on quality and performance.

7. Glion

Glion is a well-respected brand in the electric scooter industry, known for its high-quality products and exceptional performance.

Glion electric scooters are designed with very powerful motors, capable of reaching speeds of up to 15 mph, and can travel up to 15 miles on a single charge. They feature large wheels and solid rubber tires, providing a smooth and comfortable ride.

Glion electric scooters are also lightweight, portable, and easy to fold, making them convenient for commuting and storage. With their focus on innovation and durability, Glion electric scooters have become a top choice for both casual and serious riders looking for a reliable and high-performance scooters.

8. Apollo

 Apollo is a reputable brand in the electric scooter industry, known for their high-end and powerful products.

Apollo electric scooters are designed with dual motors, capable of reaching speeds of up to 31 mph, and can travel up to 39 miles on a single charge. They feature large pneumatic tires, providing a smooth and comfortable ride even on rough terrain.

Apollo electric scooters are also equipped with advanced features like dual suspension systems, hydraulic brakes, and customizable ride settings.

With their focus on performance and advanced technology, Apollo electric scooters have become a top choice for serious riders looking for an exhilarating and high-performance riding experience.

9. Fluid Freeride

Fluid Freeride is a well-known brand in the electric scooter industry, recognized for its high-quality and reliable products.

Fluid Freeride electric scooters are designed with powerful motors, capable of reaching speeds of up to 28 mph, and can travel up to 50 miles on a single charge. They feature large pneumatic tires, providing a smooth and comfortable ride on any terrain.

 Fluid Freeride electric scooters are also equipped with advanced features like hydraulic brakes, dual suspension systems, and customizable ride settings. With their focus on performance, durability, and advanced technology, Fluid Freeride electric scooters have become a top choice for serious riders looking for a powerful and high-performance scooter.

10. Inokum

Inokum is a leading electric scooter company that provides top-of-the-line models at an affordable price. With years of experience in the industry, Inokum has become known as one of the most reliable electric scooter manufacturers.

They offer a wide selection of models to meet individual needs, with features such as long-lasting batteries, and sleek designs.
Inokum also prides itself on providing customer service that makes owning its product an enjoyable and hassle-free experience.

Their customer support team is available 24/7 to answer questions or assist with repairs if necessary. Additionally, many of their models come with warranty coverage for added peace of mind when purchasing a new electric scooter.

11. Voro Motors

Voro Motors is a leading brand in the electric scooter industry, known for offering high-performance electric scooters that are both reliable and stylish.

Voro Motors electric scooters are designed with cutting-edge technology and exceptional features such as powerful motors, extended battery life, durable construction, and exceptional speed capabilities.

The brand’s electric scooters are perfect for daily commutes, leisure rides, and outdoor adventures, making them a favorite among urban commuters and adventure seekers alike. Voro Motors is committed to delivering superior quality and exceptional customer service, with a focus on providing eco-friendly solutions for everyday travel.

With Voro Motors, riders can experience the ultimate convenience, comfort, and style while contributing to a greener future.

12. Mercane

Mercane is an innovative electric scooter brand that has been providing top-quality electric scooters. With the highest-grade battery and motor technology, Mercane’s scooters are designed to reach maximum speed with minimal effort.

Their unique designs make them user-friendly and perfect for urban commuters who want a reliable ride.Mercane has become one of the world’s most trusted electric scooter brands due to its commitment to safety and customer service.

All their models are tested for high performance in all terrains so riders can rest assured that no matter where they go, their Mercane will be up for the challenge. They also provide excellent customer service by offering free repairs and replacement parts when needed so customers can feel confident about purchasing from them.

13. Nanrobot

Nanrobot is an innovative electric scooter company that has revolutionized the way people get around town. It began as a humble startup in 2018, with its main goal to create top-of-the-line electronic scooters that would keep riders safe and comfortable while they traveled. With a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, Nanrobot quickly became one of the leading brands in the industry.
Its electric scooters are known for their light weight and portability, making them perfect for commuting or getting around town in style.

 Additionally, each model is designed with advanced features such as powerful motors and long-lasting battery life ensuring a smooth ride every time. Not only are these products reliable but also affordable, allowing customers to enjoy a top-notch performance at reasonable prices.

14. Qiewa

Qiewa is a leading brand in the electric scooter market that offers top-notch electric scooters with impressive performance and exceptional features.

Qiewa electric scooters are designed to cater to the needs of urban commuters, adventure seekers, and everyday riders alike. Their range of electric scooters boasts high-powered motors, extended battery life, sturdy construction, and impressive speed capabilities.

Qiewa scooters are equipped with advanced features such as LED lights, shock absorbers, anti-theft alarms, and durable tires, making them reliable and efficient for daily use. Qiewa is committed to delivering superior quality and cutting-edge technology to provide riders with the ultimate electric scooter experience.

15. Ewheel

eWheels is a prominent brand in the electric scooter industry that offers a wide range of high-quality electric scooters with top-tier performance and innovative features. eWheels electric scooters are designed to provide riders with the ultimate convenience, comfort, and safety while commuting or enjoying outdoor adventures.

Their electric scooters are equipped with powerful motors, extended battery life, sturdy frames, and high-speed capabilities, making them perfect for daily commutes and long-distance travel.

eWheels is committed to offering superior quality electric scooters that are easy to use, durable, and environmentally friendly. With cutting-edge technology and exceptional customer service, eWheels is a brand that continues to innovate and lead in the electric scooter market.


Electric scooters are becoming increasingly popular as a convenient and cost-effective mode of transportation. With the right electric scooter, you can get around town quickly and easily. But with so many different brands on the market, it can be difficult to know which one to choose.

That’s why we’ve put together this comprehensive guide to help you identify the top 15 electric scooter brands for 2023. We’ve looked at the features of each brand, as well as the price to come up with our list.

If you’re looking for the perfect electric scooter for your needs, then one of the brands on our list is sure to have what you’re looking for. So make sure to check out our list of the top 15 electric scooter brands for 2023 to find the perfect electric scooter.


Is gotrax a good brand?

Yes, Gotrax is generally considered a good brand for electric scooters and other personal electric vehicles.

Is 25 mph on a scooter fast?

25 mph (miles per hour) on a scooter can be considered fast, especially for a personal electric scooter.It’s important to remember that the maximum speed of a scooter can vary depending on factors such as the model, motor power, rider weight, and terrain.

What is the best scooter in the USA?

Some popular electric scooter brands in the USA include Segway, Xiaomi, Razoru, Ninebotu, and Gotrax, among others. Each of these brands offers a range of models with different features and specifications, including range, speed,weight capacity, charging time, and price.

Is segway or gotrax better?

Both Segway and Gotrax offer a variety of different electric scooter models, each with unique features and specifications. Ultimately, the best choice will depend on your individual needs and preferences.

Is gotrax a china company?

No, Gotrax is not a Chinese company. It is an American-based electric scooter and skateboard company that specializes in creating high quality, affordable products

About the Author

Seba K
+ posts

Hi, I m Seba and I am the author of this blog.
Electric scooters have been my passion since I bought my first one back in 2016.
Since then, I have experimented with numerous models and gained a wealth of knowledge about electric scooters.
I always keep myself updated with the latest product releases and advancements in this field.
I am delighted to share my experiences and insights with you here.
My background includes a degree in Avia Engineering, and I have a keen interest in outdoor sports and traveling.